jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Patrick Dempsey and Patrick Long Visit CXC for Le Mans Refresh.

As part of their Le Mans prep, both Long and Dempsey recently visited CXC Simulations’ headquarters in Los Angeles to spend several hours in the Motion Pro II taking laps on a virtual version of Circuit de la Sarthe in a virtual Porsche racing car. The Motion Pro II, used by professional racers and racing enthusiasts around the globe, was engineered with a hi-tech motion delivery system, ultra-powerful force feed controls, and pressure-sensitive pedals that combine to deliver a realistic experience across virtual cars, planes, trucks and even helicopters.
“Dempsey and Long spent plenty of time in our Motion Pro II racing simulator last year as they prepared for the Le Mans challenge, and I’m guessing we’ll see them around our offices a few more times before the June race,” said Chris Considine, CEO of CXC Simulations.  “Both Patricks learned last year how helpful the Motion Pro II can be in preparing mentally for the Le Mans track and how the virtual training makes things a little easier once you get to France.”

Check out this video of Dempsey training last year in the Motion Pro II, and be sure to follow the drivers’ ramp-up to Le Mans at Twitter (@PatrickDempsey@pLmotorsport@jfoster4055).  And while you’re at it, go ahead and follow @CXCSimulations, too! 

May 23, 2014

Beautyrest Black mattresses.

LA .May 23 2014
